Mmmm - that really hit the spot! I didn't get around to picking up any mushrooms, so there were none. Instead I added some fairly finely chopped red onion and it really enhanced the flavor. Also, I added a little bit of Italian seasonings. Mmm mmm, it sure was good.
Last night I attended a Relay for Life fundraiser. I've gone to this for the past three years and always have a good time. I also always bid in the oral auction on these pies some lady makes entirely from scratch. The first year I was the high bidder for a chocolate meringue pie at $45.00. Last year I didn't get a pie, but the person I was bidding against had to pay $120.00. This year I was the high bidder on a lemon meringue pie - at $60.00. It goes for a really good cause, so I'm happy to play. Anyway, we had the pie for dessert this evening. Heaven!
Easy Vegan Lasagna Soup
10 months ago
I love Lemon meringue pie. No one in my family likes it so I am always envious of those who get to have that treat.